Saturday, July 7, 2012

spending a day in bed...

 Collage of  how i studied for my economy final 

so my vacation have officially started... but just my luck, i'm sick like a dog, stuck in bed, sneezing and coughing every 5 sec. :S sooo not how i imagined my first weekend of freedom.
Though i did have a pretty good time with my friends, as we celebrated the end of the horrible finals with few beers, soda and must not forget the PIZZA!!
it was also the first reu i've ever had, since i started college, with my college friends... yup, never before. i found out a lot about them, like the fact that they're not as wild as i expected and that they don't drink much, really. i remember a while back (like a year ago to be exact) i was all, my friends and closest cousins drink, how come i’m the odd one out that doesn’t see the awesomeness to it, but then discovered how it's not fun to get wasted but the pick-me-up it gives at a certain moment, anyways i'm still just a social drinker, i guess that’s what you can call someone that was peer pressured into drinking a beer :P jajaja ok ok, it was my choice, but i must admit i'm weak and that i easily follow the crowd :S, not proud of it, but that’s me, wow i was rambling a lot.
going back to my friends, they drink a bit, but not all out wild, which actually make me love them all that more. not that i would hate them if they did drink, it’s just the show me fun time without alcohol, reminded me of when i was a kid. they're not boring, we talk, laugh... i just like them  a lot... and i'm glad to say, i will got out more, but with them, and finally separate myself from my cousins friends or sister's friends or family friends, and make a good long lasting connection with these friends.
this discovery make me sad because of the fact that i'm leaving this summer to go work at Disney, though i'll live the entire time on my own (flat mates) without the family, what bums me out is not spending the summer with my friends, ones i actually have a great amount of thing in common with, a group whom i share a lot of personal info about themselves.. i just don't want to distances myself from this, them. this is just how i'm feeling, even if i disappear for years, i know i'll come back and they'll welcome me back with open arms.
apart from this, nothing else to report. my cousin Alex is here once again, till the end of july, begging of august, so that means my entire time off :S ok and not, she's been coming to stay here since july 2010, which means a hole 2 years ago, love the company, but sometimes when you just want to be lazy and not go out and relax from all the hard work you did during the semester, or feel like cause of you your cousin is bored at home doing nothing, and worst of all i might not even get away (alone time) at Disney, for she lives in Cali, and is overwhelm with joy to come visit me :/ god only knows way the future does not want me to rest...
ah, i will find a way to way out or just deal with it... i want to make clear i love alex with all my heart 

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