today i had los of fun, going to catechism class at 10:30, witch meant i had to get up at 8:00 on a Saturday...:P. anyways the best part of my day was that finally i let go of that feeling inside, that never wanted to let anyone know how i was feeling these last few months, i let one of my close friends Andrea L. read my blog.. yes why did i create a blog that no one i know would read, i created it just for that reason, so i could let go of my insecurities by writing, but in the end i need to talk it out as well, she said she loved my blog and that helped me a lot... i know she'll keep everything she read till the very end... thank you Andrea. MUAK!
PS: i have finally started a mini; pass the time, book of my very own... What’s it about? Well it's about a 16 year old girl named Isabel, whom has psiquic power and she’s 3 months pregnant. the father, Caleb, is 19, he also has power, but his are different, he's more magical than she is... anyways Caleb’s magic is inherited by the first male born, Izzy and Caleb are not like the rest, they are happy about the baby to come, even though there not together anymore.... i'll tell you more as i go on writing it... XD
PS: i have finally started a mini; pass the time, book of my very own... What’s it about? Well it's about a 16 year old girl named Isabel, whom has psiquic power and she’s 3 months pregnant. the father, Caleb, is 19, he also has power, but his are different, he's more magical than she is... anyways Caleb’s magic is inherited by the first male born, Izzy and Caleb are not like the rest, they are happy about the baby to come, even though there not together anymore.... i'll tell you more as i go on writing it... XD