my cousin Alonso passed away saturday night, he had cancer... i don't know what exactly, only that it was odd and one that they didn't know how to fix. Alon was 7 years old, he feel asleep... my mom called me to go see him with my sis and dad too, almost all the family members that live here were ther in my anut and uncles room. On sunday we had the "velatorio", that's in spanish.. i don't remember how you say it in english : ) anyways it wasn't soo sad as i thought it would be.. i mean i thought it be with every one depresed and stuff, but in some way the reat of my cousins, sister and i had a good time just going out to not think about Alon... it was much better to be laughing with them then to have been standing with all the adults. Alon, for me, was cute and fun... but very quiet, he'd do what you would ask sometimes and other times he'd just ignor you, he was smart for his age.. i hadthought that when he made it to my age he'd alredy have girlfriens, i'd tell him and he'd say "AI! NO!..jajaja". soo that's all i really want to say about him.. that i love him and miss him sooooooo much
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