Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ex-alumna del Jose Quiñones...

Yes, it's true, i graduated last night. the ceremony was nice, sort of boring jajaja... sad thing was, i didn't cry, i was about to when a friend of mine said a joke and ruined the moment :P after there was some drinks and stuff, i didn't get to have any, because the people where like vultures! ate everything in less the a minute jajaja... but all in all i had a good time.
Next on my list College =S gulp! jaja

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


OMG! i had sooo much fun last night all the way up to 6:30 am, when the party finished XD i danced, drank, ate (just a little bit) so i might have spent more time with a certain someone then with my best friends, but i think that's what made my night awesome!
So the down side to the story was: first: the limo was a wreck ( i shouldn't have paid soo much for what we got), two: on our way to the party the limo driver didn't even know were it was (grrr) and third: the guy i spent most of my time with, besides the fact that he was sweet and all, he ruined it by leaving without saying good bye (imbecil..grr)
All in all i had a great time, will never forget it and will always wish i could turn back time and relive every moment :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Vida escolar...

ok, i said i'd post the video when i finished, so here it is!.. i love how it turned out, hope you too :) the songs i used are:

  • mika - lollipop
  • Across the Universe Soundtrack - With a Little Help from my Friends
  • vitamin c - graduation

nothing else to say but "have a great day"... well, what’s left of it XD (here it is 5:46pm)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11 years, + kinder, of school...

1er grado
2do grado
3er grado
4to grado
5to grado
6to grado
Iro de secundaria (7th)
IIdo de secundaria (8th)
IIIro de secundaria (9th)
IVto de secundaria (10th)
Vto de secundaria (11th) LAST YEAR!
For this week my teacher asked us to make a video of our 12 years in school (using pictures) i love my pics from when i was little, so i was soo exited to start... the video isn't finished but i'm going to post a photo for every year :( sad that it’s almost over, soon it i will be posting the pictures of my prom and graduation, bet i'll be crying in most :P though i'll miss the comfort of coming every morning to the same place, i can't help but feel exited to star, as they say, the next chapter of my life. College will be hard, especially Art and Design :S soo nervous when i think about the first project they'll tell me to make, but i've seen people who i would have never imagined finishing college, i believe i can too... but for now i'll dwell on the past, and be happy i made it this far without one F (or as it said is here "jalado"). XD

Friday, November 5, 2010

Only 3 more weeks...

RIP: 2008 - 2010
you were the reson my life has a soundtrack of hits ♫

last week, as you can see from the pictures, at school we had our annual olimpiadas! obviously the GREEN TEAM WON!!! yeee!.. wee did nothing for three days, well just sports like volleyball, soccer, basketball, races etc. but specifically talking 'bout me, nothing at all but hang around the school spots and chitchat with a group of friends XD
how i'll miss doing nothing, relaxing at when i should be helping or doing at lest something to get the team more points jaja :P
So on Sunday it was Halloween, i think i wrote this before, here in Lima they don't celebrate it like in the USA. i spent the day watching old movies (old meaning from when I was 6 or so years old) like “Halloween town I & II”, and then waited for me friends to arrive for the barbecue, mmm.. i love chorizo!
we told ghost stories, and ate junk food, but can u believe it NO CANDY, not 1 piece grrr :(
i had to have a little bit of fun, so i got some old costumes out; cleaned them, don't worry; and handed them out, i was wearing a cloak so every one thought i was some harry potter character (not that i minded though, i love HP, 19/Nov.!!!) after that everything was normal, the occasional speech the teachers give you, you only 3 weeks away from ending school FOREVER, enjoy it etc :'( witch i will try to do till the very end!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A week off...

My week vacation from school is over :( and i start, on monday, my last bimestre i'll ever have. well i spent my week at home, as you can see from my pictures above, i didn't even go out to the movies (money problems really don't leave you with many option to go out) but i had a nice relaxing time. i got up early every day, that just how my body works, never can sleep past 9:00 am, and if i do i'm more than just a little cranky jaja... i caught up on all my tv series (GLEE started a while back so i finally have something to entertain me) i'll i thought about this week was Halloween, i know here they don't celebrate it as in the USA, witch i miss so much, getting all dressed up and after a long walk and ringing doorbells , coming home with an entire pillow case full of candy. just so u can get the way Halloween goes around here, the first year i came i came home with a little toy cauldron half full (those cauldrons you see the toy teddy bears holding for decoration, yup those). i have a friend that, maybe, want to have a party were we have to dress up and everything, i got so excited, so i started thinking of what to dress up as, looking at web sites for ideas, but i still haven't decided... my sisters going to be Katy Perry (awesome!) nut my friend still has to confirm there'll be a party. but my mind is going wild with option :D