Sunday, March 14, 2010

Starting to go out, maso...

ok. so i'm 17, 18 in may, and i'm never been the type of girl to go out on weekend with friends. yes i know, wired, but that’s how i am and it never really bothered me until my dad one day said (not in a bad way, just saying it like a comment) "so when are you going to start going out till late hours of the night?" then laughed and left, i laughed too; but it made me think 'bout how much i bet i've missed by not going to clubs, or other sorts of stuff, with my group. So yesterday my cousin told me she was going to Tayta, which is bar, and where her friends play every saturday; anyways she asked if i wanted to go, and the image of me sitting in my room on a saturday night (alone) like always, just made me all the more sure that i had to get OUT! I had fun, the group was great, Los Pockets is the name and the three band members were really cool, one was cute, hot & short grr (but for the first time that really didn't bother me) XD, but of course my cousin had dibbs on him. We stayed out till 3:30, my mom was worried, wait that’s an understatement, my hole family kept calling asking where we were and how was everything, etc. so you kind of get why i've never really gone out before, they get me all nerves and i decided it's better not to risk it (mentel not, future lover, boyfriend or what ever, must like to go out have a drink or two, in a simple word, fun) or else i will never leave my house. oh! he must also give me a boost a confidents every once and a while. jejeje, ya since a guy like that wont be hard to find... :P

PS: i didn't take my camera so the pics r from the web site XD

Friday, March 5, 2010

My last year...

Summer has past and school is here once again. grrr. i wish i had appreciated the last days of freedom, but what the hell, there gone now, no need to wallow over it any more. like i mentioned, i'm back in school and yes it is my last year, as you can already tell from the title of this post :P i'm one of the oldest student in my grade, so i have already been thinking 'bout my future since 9th grade. i've gone from wanting to be a singer to (what i have recently just discovered) interior design. i always get nerves when i think that by the end of the year i'll have to have chosen a college and what to study, they always say you have time no one has a gun at your head, well it shore dame feels like i do... i guess i'll stop talking about it 'cause i'm starting to freak out and no one want that, right? jajaja
So my last days of summer i spent at home or at the beach, not with my friend. yes i know that summer is to most people equal to going out on weekend with friend, meeting new people, etc. but i usually like to spend it at home or with the family, it's just, i've felt for a long time that i need a new scenery, a change. my mom tells me that change will come in time, grr, i hate it when she says thing like that, i mean i know she's right, but she couldn't she lie to me, at least once? :)... going on, i met my sister's friend from Brasil, Alfredo, she met him the summer she went to work at dsiney. He's really cool, and he was really nice to me and got along great with the rest of the family. he only came for 2 week, so when my sis came back after dropping him off at the airport she was sad, duh!, he is her best friend and i have my speculations that, maybe, a little more XD jiojio
PS: 1) sorry for jumping from one subject to another, and 2) i have to say that school has change sooo much. i mean they're getting to be really strict and it's getting annoying, just had to let it out :P

The pic is of my family, alfredo & me : )