My week vacation from school is over :( and i start, on monday, my last bimestre i'll ever have. well i spent my week at home, as you can see from my pictures above, i didn't even go out to the movies (money problems really don't leave you with many option to go out) but i had a nice relaxing time. i got up early every day, that just how my body works, never can sleep past 9:00 am, and if i do i'm more than just a little cranky jaja... i caught up on all my tv series (GLEE started a while back so i finally have something to entertain me) i'll i thought about this week was Halloween, i know here they don't celebrate it as in the USA, witch i miss so much, getting all dressed up and after a long walk and ringing doorbells , coming home with an entire pillow case full of candy. just so u can get the way Halloween goes around here, the first year i came i came home with a little toy cauldron half full (those cauldrons you see the toy teddy bears holding for decoration, yup those). i have a friend that, maybe, want to have a party were we have to dress up and everything, i got so excited, so i started thinking of what to dress up as, looking at web sites for ideas, but i still haven't decided... my sisters going to be Katy Perry (awesome!) nut my friend still has to confirm there'll be a party. but my mind is going wild with option :D