So classes began a few weeks ago, but since i didn't star off well, emotionally... i mean that i was a total wreck :P, nervous and anxious, i never want to feel like that again. After like a week i got used to it, still i get a bit overwhelmed by the project, witch i must say are fun to do, but not to plan.
i have new friends, we're still at the "lets hang out during classes, but i still don't know you enough to go clubing on the weekend" jajaja XD
the projects my teachers left for next week are getting more interesting, and some BIGER!
i hope i get a good grade off the last one i turned in, Monday :S
going on to me schedule, it's perrrfect, at lest for me. Mondays r long (12-7pm), but it doesn't really matter 'cause i DON'T HAVE CLASS on Tuesdays XD, Wednesdays like today (1-5pm), Thursdays (8-3pm) and Fridays (1-5pm)
i only taking 5 curses, so my mom wants me to take a language class, like italian or portuguese, i'm still thinking about it though.
the pic r of the work i've done so far :D