like the tile of this post, i have changed, sort of, i totally relaxed about classes and since i've been getting good grades my self esteem has grown. XD apart from all the work the teacher have left us, by us i mean my friends and i, who r completely crazy and really lazy (some of them) :P i'll admite i love it all, art is tuogh but fun.
all the pictures r of the work i've done lately, they may seem easy to do, but they're NOT! jaja :P
so my mom and dad r about to kill me if i ask for more materiel, but i'll have to take the risk 'cause i need some markers that cost waaaaay too much for markers jajaj
if you can't tell from the picture, i cut my hair.. i'm not lying when i say I cut MY hair, all by my lonesome jajaja... yup i got my new scissors and snip snip, no more long curly lock. my dark brown curls only go down to my sholders now, i must say i really like my doo.
thats all for now, and i'll end this post with a quote from one of my favorite movies, PS I Love You (yes i love this movie) 'cause what she says always reassures me that i chose the right career: "All i know is, if you don´t figure out this something, you'll just stay ordinary, and it doesn´t matter if it's a work of art or a taco or a pair of socks! Just create something... new, and there it is, and its you, out in the world, out side of you and you can look at it, or hear it, or read it, or feel it... and you know a little more about... you. A little more than anyone else does..." - Holly