just so you can get an idea of what it looks like in my head, it's not exacly what i imagen, but it's close
i was on the car ride home from school, it winter here, the sun was eventhow it's not sappoused to be, and when it hites you , the little bit of worms that it can give makes you feel like your in another world, can you imagine that?... and thats when it started, the images of that places that makes me sooo happy, the places where I have a beautife family all of my own, my house OH MY GOD!.. if only you could see right now in my head the way it look, you'd die... small but cosiy, perfect for my little family, one new thing in the picture... i'm going to have another baby XD, i hope it's a boy! jejeje... the way it is when i get to go there, where no one can disturbme.. it's heven!... thow at the same time i know that place is't completly perfect i , for some reazon, know that i do fight with my supposed husband like a real cuple... :P, crazy? i don't know, but i don't care!... my house it in, i think, ireland, i love that contrey , i haven't even gone there but i love it!.. so i guess my home was there, cause it look just like it, green everywhere... BEAutiful! i was there in the front lawn with my "little" girl, she got big! she's 3 and my husband had just come back from work.. he looks soo good jajajaja...anyways i look happy,with a 3moth pregnant belly all i want, and that's all i really want... after my aunt hit a pump in the road i got shot back to the real world, where i go to school, and i would be consitered a freayk if i told anyone about this day dream in the car... but for that moment i felt as happy as i was when i had my first dream about my baby girl... still thinking of a name to give her... any suggestions for her name and my future one??, boy or girl still don't know jajaja, but please, do tell!