Plans for the year, ok i know i should have done a list of things to accomplish at the beginning of the year, but i just got the rush of a new change this weekend. so going back to the list, i plan to do a diet, but i hope no one will put pressure, i mean i need to do this in my own pace, star exercising , jajaja i do my best a lest :P by following the routine in a magazine, focus on getting good grades, i need to do that or else i wont get into the college i want the way i want (paying less XD) yup i guess that's it, nothing else really; try not to fight with my sister, mom or dad, etc. OH! i must go out more, meaning i must learn to not be afraid of going on a bus alone :S that one might take more time... ok now it's finished. Wow, i don't want to achieve much do i jejeje. well once i finish school and start collage my goals will be completely different, 'cause i want to go for a semester to Italy and for that i need to get really good grades, and not everyone is as optimistic as my sister, who says "you'll do fine, don't worry so much, it's not that hard", wish other people would say the same and not "wow you want to go to Italy, it's going to be tough, so be prepared cause getting the grades you need wont be easy" and i'm like "thanks for the boost of confidents" jeje :P. well like i said i must not stress about the future, i should just think about the now... yup just now, easy right : ) ja!
remember: i must find the perrrfact dark green dress for prom, and a HOT date XD! pics are the of the dresses i like... XD