as most of you might not know, me and my sister are very close, there for i shall tell you about her. She is my favorite person in the world, i don't know what i'd be without her, i must say i've grown to dependent on her. but this summer she's leaving Peru and going to go to NY, working and earning money! XD, that’s the way she is, always trying new things, and like she's always said to me "I've wanted to see the world ever since i saw my first disney movie", and i know she'll see it all. anyway, she said to me that she might not come back from NY as soon as we thought, i got shocked when she said this, because "if" she does decide to stay my mom & dad will kill her!.. and i'd miss her sooo much. being without her for 3 months is ok, i can handle it, but if she stays for i don't know how long, what will i do!...i tell her everything that happens to me, who will help me during the school year :O! and what if she goes to Europe? that is her future plan.. and i never see her again. i know, what is she talking about her sister wont do that movie move, but you see my sis lives her life like a movie even if she doesn't want to, it's just like that, so for what ever i know she'll do it!.. so if she ever sees this i'd like to say "sexy, te kiero muxo, y nunca nos vamos a separar, aunque estemos paleadas, nos cominicaremos x telefono para gritarnos :P, yo TKM.. y se ke si tas lejos y yo t nesecito to estaras donde yo estoy y yo tb para ti..MUAK!, i love you sexy".PS: to my mom, whom I also LOVE wit all my hart, HAPPY B-DAY! (adelantado!), your now older than you were last year… but remember, you look better then you were before, and hotter, cause she’s in her 40’s and she looks like she’s in her 30’s.. TKM! MUAK!
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