Wednesday, May 25, 2011

19 years old...

dad cooking jeje :)

i feel no different, actually i even feel younger, but not in good way. i'm still feeling scared, anxious and nervous a times, for no reason. getting used to college is harder then i thought, but i'm trying my best to surpass it. but my mom, just in case, is going to take me to a psychologist to find out what can been done (how to stop me from felling this way) she says i'm going to make myself sick if i keep acting this way. i believe shes right...
anyways, going back to my birthday, i had a family reunion, Butifarras and cake! YUMM!
the hole family cam, well that obvious, 'cause we all live together XD
today in class, all my friends congratulated me and i had nice day too
i got nice gifts, like the one in my other post :) nothing else happened
Till today, we got great new about Aitana, she opened her eyes just a little XDD we're still hoping for more movements, but doctors say that its a good sign .

pics are of yesterday night...

1 comment:

Alexandra Salcedo said...

Lore,acabo de encontrar tu blog!!! esta super lindoo que linda tu primita esta lindaa, espero que se mejore :) te seguire para ver cada uno de tus post un besooo ojala nos veamos pronto saludos. te dejo mi blog para que lo veas tambien