ok.. so i was getting worried again about my hole problem with my imagination. at around 11:00 at night yesterday i lookedup on google "An older teen-adult having an imaginary friend" and foud out i'm not the only one.. i was sooo happy that i started to cry (how odd, me crying?... jeje) just so you can know me better, my "friend" is a guy.. tall, dark hair, tan, atletic, but i can never really see (well imagin) a face :P he's someone i can talk to, wired thing, besides imagining him, he has an atitued, he almost always takes the opposing side... in a way i think hes my spirit guid... ifeel very close to him. i'm just really glad i'm not alon in this, i'm glad that i found other people who have an "imaginary friend" XD... well i got to go here in Peru its' 6:41, and my dad is about to star a volyball game with my uncl agents some colleg students.. i wonder who will win, my family or the young athletic students.. jejeje. going back to the subject about my "friend", i wish i had the courg to tell my sis or my mom... i mean how hard is it to read my blog.. it's the opening page when i open my internet!... i wish they'ed read it, just so they know...i'm putting up some pics of my imaginary world.. hoping someday it will turn into reality, it's ireland! the place i love to live!!!...XD
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